Translation Support Tools

専門知識 (翻訳支援ツール)


ームの関与が不可欠です。最終的な翻訳は、そのプロセスの複雑さに関係なく、常に一貫したスタイルを保つことが重要です。また、XMLやその他の専門言語で書かれた製品をローカライズする際には、タグの正確な再構成が求められます。 これらの課題に対応するためには、高度な検索機能を備えたツールが必要です。しかし、既存のツールでは、翻訳作業に必要な特定の機能が不足していることが多々あります。 これらの制限を克服するために、Chris Translationでは、スタイルガイドに基づいた翻訳チェックツールや、タグ検索専用ツールなど、独自の翻訳要件に対応するプロプライエタリツールを開発しました。 これらのツールには、長年の経験で蓄積された豊富な実践的知識が組み込まれており、高品質な翻訳、運用効率、そしてコスト競争力を強化する強力な基盤を提供します。

Designed to
Search TagEditor.
Enhanced version of the search function of TagEditor. Developed on our own. Search for tags (certain tags are not supported), regular expressions, and match rate specification are supported.
Designed to
Enhance the preview function of TagEditor.
Enhanced version of the preview function of TagEditor. Developed on our own. Because Internet Explorer or another browser is used to preview translations, searching, copying, and pasting are easy.
Designed to
Check translations for breaches of style guides.
A tool developed to check whether or not style guides are followed. Developed on our own. (The tool is still under development.) This tool can be used to create databases to conform to style guides provided by customers. At present, translations can be checked for certain breaches of the style guides of Microsoft. In the future, additional functions will be incorporated so that kanji and kana can be used properly and declensional kana endings can be checked. Currrently, the check function can only be used with .ttx files, but Word files will be also supported and batch processing will be allowed in the future.
CheckMate_on Word VBA
Designed to
Check translations for breaches of style guides.
Tool developed by inhouse editors, which uses the function of Word VBA. It is used to check whether or not style guides are followed. This tool can be used to create databases to conform to style guides provided by customers. One-byte characters can be distinguished from double-byte characters, kanji and kana can be used properly, and declensional kana endings can be checked. At present, the style guides of Microsoft and Oracle are supported. However, CheckMate, which is under development, is superior in usability and scalability. In the future, this tool will be integrated into CheckMate
Designed to
Convert different types of TRADOS data.
Data conversion between MultiTerm and Excel, TM and Excel, and analytical logs and Excel can be carried out.
Designed to
Extract or delete sections sandwiched between specified strings.
Designed to
Search multiple files for multiple keywords.
Designed to
Replace multiple strings in multiple files.
Designed to
Convert WinHelp CNT files so that they can be translated with TRADOS.
UIT (UI Implementation Tool)
Designed to
Embed UIs.
This tool assists operators in replacing original UI strings left among translations with proper UIs in reference to databases.
Designed to
Set Workbench or TagEditor collectively.
It is used to exchange files in order to set up TRADOS in another user's environment.

n DTP tools

MS Office2013/2016/365
CorelDrawNew Version
PaintShop Pro4.2J
Adobe Illustrator11
Macromedia FreeHand8J
Macromedia Fireworks3
n Engineering tools
Name Version
HelpQA 2.1
HtmlQA 1.4
Microsoft Help WorkShop 4.03
Microsoft HTML Help WorkShop 3.3
Robohelp 2016
Robohelp HTML 2016
Visual Basic 6
MS Visual Studio 6
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