
Chris Translation Service Companyのサポートされている言語

Chris Translation Serviceでは、卓越した翻訳サービスを提供する長年の評判を誇りに思っています。私たちのチームは、高度な資格を持つ翻訳者、通訳者、ライターで構成されており、常に正確かつ洞察に満ちた仕事を提供しています。効果的な翻訳は単なる文法や語彙を超え、元の言葉の背後にある意味を伝えるために、微妙なニュアンスや文化的文脈を深く理解することが必要です。 私たちは、企業が他の組織とのつながりを確立し、強化するのをサポートすることにコミットしています。そのため、ビジネス文書にはあらかじめ作成されたテンプレートを使用することは避けています。代わりに、私たちが提供するすべての翻訳は、お客様の独自のビジョンと要件を反映するよう、細心の注意を払って調整されています。私たちは、お客様のビジネスと密に協力し、すべてのプロジェクトでブランドの核心的な価値を捉えることを確実にします。 私たちの専門翻訳者は、さまざまな言語間のコミュニケーションを円滑にし、私たちが専門とする言語の1つで貴重なビジネス資料を作成できるようにします。どのような翻訳ニーズがあっても、私たちはそれを満たすためにここにいます。




言語は何世紀にもわたる歴史と文化を反映しており、翻訳の技術は人類と同じくらい古いものです。言語翻訳サービスは、伝統的なマーケティング、インバウンドマーケティング、国際的な販売、および商業化の取り組みにおいて重要な役割を果たします—特にインターネットの登場によって。正確な技術文書を作成するためには、専門的な翻訳が不可欠です。 私たちのナレッジセンターは、言語に関する情報を包括的に提供するリソースであり、ライター、スタッフ、同僚、友人からの寄稿で常に更新されています。ここでは、言語、その歴史、特徴、エチケット、外国市場向けにウェブコンテンツや文書を適応・翻訳する重要性についての洞察、逸話、ストーリー、ビジュアルを見つけることができます。 ナレッジセンターの記事は簡潔でありながら専門的で、言語を販売ツールとして活用する方法に関する貴重な情報を提供します。また、各言語の豊かな歴史、話者の文化、そしてその進化についても探求できます。 私たちのウェブサイト翻訳サービスを利用して、従来のチャネルではアクセスできない新しいオーディエンスにリーチしましょう。以下にリストされている言語を確認し、ターゲット市場を特定して、ビジネスの成長を見守りましょう。

Chris Translationは、ヨーロッパ、アジア、中東、アフリカ、アメリカの主要な言語にわたる包括的な翻訳およびローカリゼーションサービスを提供しており、253以上の言語に精通しています。以下に示す言語からの翻訳および翻訳先としての翻訳を日常的に行っており、プロジェクトに必要な他の方言への拡張も可能です。




Chris Translationでは、英語、ドイツ語、フランス語、スペイン語、中国語、韓国語など、253以上の言語をサポートしています。特定の専門言語については、信頼性のある品質チェックシステムを確保するため、2人以上の翻訳者またはネイティブ編集者を配置し、その言語に精通した人材を確保することで、個人の作業から生じる翻訳エラーのリスクを最小限に抑えています。




It is often said that Chinese is one of the most ancient languages ever to have been written down, with some historians dating it to as far back as 6000 years ago. Chinese is divided into countless dialects, the majority of which can be categorised within one of seven distinct groups: Mandarin, Cantonese, Hakka, Wu, Min and Xiang.

Within these seven groups exist dozens of sub-languages – dialects, which the majority (over 90%) of Chinese people speak. The remaining 8% or so speak languages other than Chinese, like Tibetan, Miao and Mongolian. There are enormous differences between the many Chinese dialects, but all are united under one common rule: they can both be written down using Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese; the former of which is primarily in use in the PRC (People’s Republic of China), Malaysia and Singapore.

Need a professional translation service for English to Chinese & vice versa? Chris Translation is proud to have been delivering premium translation services for almost thirty years, undertaking a huge range of different projects from various industries and corporations. Our reputation speaks for us in Singapore, where we are well known as an agency for translating between Chinese and English.

Our team comprises of qualified translators offer both English to Chinese / Chinese to English translation and interpretation services. At Chris Translation, we also provide a range of related services, should you need them for your specific project, such as transcription, and dedicated courses teaching managers and executives who want to learn Chinese business language.

We translate as closely as possible to incorporate the nuances and subtleties of communication, rather than delivering a literal translation as a computer might. We will always aim to preserve the original document’s intended meaning, regardless of how long or short the resulting text is. Our translations are written to be understood by English and Chinese speakers around the world, allowing you to communicate your message effectively and on a global scale.

Every member of our team has received tertiary education in translation-related studies, and are on hand to create any materials you have in mind, whether it’s business history content or promotional materials, we are here to translate seamless from English to Chinese (& vice versa).

Our team of translators has their fingers on the pulse of contemporary Chinese which is suitable for formal uses, for instance in official documents, business propositions and commercial materials. We also occasionally translate to informal, colloquial Chinese where appropriate (e.g. for real time transcription).

At Chris Translation, we’re dedicated to bringing out customers the best translation and interpretation services for English to Chinese (& vice versa), for a diverse range of projects, large and small.


Chinese Language is regarded by most as one of the oldest languages in terms of writing in the world and it has a rich history of nearly six thousand years. As a great language consists of various dialects, the exact number of dialects within Chinese isn’t actually known, but the majority of them can be grouped as following seven categories: Mandarin; Cantonese; Hakka; Wu; Gan; Min and Xiang.

There are 92% of Chinese residents that speak one or more of these dialects. Out of these 92%, the remaining 8% speak Tibeton, Mongolian and Miao. There are two main ways of writing Chinese: Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, which is primarily used in Taiwan and Hong Kong, both of these are used generically across all the dialects.

Here at Chris Translation, we take pride in our traditional Chinese translation and interpreting services for over 10 years. Over this time, we have progressively taken on bigger and more complex projects, and are now a renowned agency for Chinese translation service with a particularly loyal customer base in Asia.

We hire only the very best Chinese to English linguists, and offer a wide range of services including Chinese translation to English and interpretation. We also teach Traditional Chinese for business purposes, so if you’re in a managerial or executive position, this could be right up your street.

When translating, we’re careful to convey the exact meaning communicated in the original document, regardless of the resulting length of the text. Professional translation incorporates interpretation in order to create something that retains the tone and precise meaning intended. Whether you want services of Chinese translation to English (and vice versa), we’ll make sure that your message is communicated effectively so that you can reach your desired audience all over the world.

Whether you just want to translate Traditional Chinese business cards into English, or translate legal documents from English into Traditional Chinese, our team of qualified translators are on hand to do the job efficiently and effectively. We specialise in formal Chinese translations, although we will sometimes use colloquial language where appropriate, such as when informal transcription is required.

Chris Translation is proud to have a fantastic team working for us and years of experience in the field in order to give you the best Chinese to English translation, Chinese translation to English interpretation and vice versa. We work quickly and pay close attention to detail on each and every one of our projects, whatever the scale.

Bahasa Indonesia is the primary language of Indonesia, the biggest country in the whole of SE Asia with the largest Muslim population in the world. More than 200 million Indonesians speak this language, with the remaining residents speaking either English, Dutch or one of many of the native dialects, of which Javanese is the most common. The literacy levels in Indonesia is rising rapidly, and more and more Indonesians are pursuing education beyond secondary school level.

On an institutional level, Indonesia is rapidly becoming a big player on the business scene. This is a country with extensive natural resources and a booming industry, and more and more organisations and businesses are becoming involved in the marketplace to trade. Offices are increasingly being set up in Indonesia for foreign bodies to better establish their place within the Indonesian market.

Chris Translation is dedicated to assisting businesses and organisations to engage with Indonesian markets, and establish themselves through translation and transcreation, helping to connect them with fresh audiences in Indonesia. Delivering your unique message to Indonesian consumers means using the right language and cultural references that will resonate with the widest audience – you need a professional English to Bahasa Indonesia / Bahasa Indonesia to English translator on hand to make this leap.

Our translation services are delivered by people who are not only experts in the language, but also in the commercial culture of Indonesia and how businesses interact with one another. Chris Translation provides 24/7 translation support – we only hire the very best translators who have experience across a variety of industry fields, including world famous brands. We cover everything from marketing materials to business documents, so you can connect in the most efficient and effective way possible.

Our translators are specialists in specific industries, native Bahasa Indonesia speakers, or a combination of the two. Every document is meticulously drafted, composed and checked to bring you the most accurate Bahasa to English / English to Bahasa translation possible. Our professionals go above and beyond simple translation to bring you quality content that is written for and by people, not computers.

We cover everything from corporate proposals to sales brochures, legal documents to ecommerce content, incorporating all the natural nuances of Bahasa to effectively communicate your message to an Indonesian audience. We only offer the very best translators a role at our company, with a standard rate of 30% pass rate for all translator applications. We know that high quality, bespoke translation services are invaluable, and we’re committed to delivering the very best service within each and every project that comes our way, big or small.


290 m people speak Bahasa Melayu, also known as Malay. It is primarily spoken in the Strait of Malacca, as well as in Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and some areas of Thailand. It is a language that is sometimes mistaken for Indonesian, and it does sound very similar – indeed, someone who speaks Bahasa Melayu can understand more than half of Bahasa Indonensian.

Brunei Darussalam in Borneo uses Bahasa Melayu as its official language, and it is also an official language of Singapore, of which there are four. There are currently around 40 m speakers of Bahasa Melayu in the world today.

Here at Chris Translation, our team comprises of the best native Bahasa Melayu / Malay speakers who have extensive experience across a variety of industries. We hire specialists to cover specific areas of translation, whether you need a legal document translated from English to Malay, or some medical papers translated from Malay to English, we’ve got your covered. Whatever your project, whether it’s marketing content, technical writing or educational materials, we provide premium translation and interpretation services on demand.

Simply speaking Malay as a secondary language isn’t enough to be a great translator; that’s why we only hire the very best native speakers who have a deep understanding of the culture from which English and Malay were respectively born. This enables them to create accurate translation documents that deliver the desired message effectively.

As well as our translation and interpretation services for English into Bahasa Melayu (and vice versa), we offer transcription, multilingual SEO for online promotion, and voice-over work. Whatever project you need help with, whether it’s a single document, a large scale event, a legal document, a certificate of qualification, a piece of prose, marketing materials, speeches, film and TV scripts, or technical writing such as instruction manuals, at Chris Translation, we welcome every job with an open mind and a desire to create great content.

Every translation job is undertaken in the most diligent way to ensure that our customers receive a quick response and fast turnaround time, without ever compromising on quality.


There are 128 m people that speak Japanese language. Out of these 128m, 124m people live in Japan and its adjacent islands such as Okinawa. The remaining 4m are scattered throughout the world. Japanese writing consists of three separate alphabets which are Kanhi, Hiragana and Katakana. With over 130 m current speakers, Japanese has become the 4th most popular language on the internet.

In the world of technology manufacturing and innovation, Japan is considered to be a giant so it is no surprise that Nihongo (another word for Japanese) is considered to be one of most important languages in the business world not to mention its uselfulness in cultural, scientific and entertainment areas. Naturally, Western businesses who aim to deal with Japanese industries seek Japanese translation services.

Here at Chris Translation, we take pride in our Japanese translation services. We offer excellent Japanese translation to English (and vice versa). Our dedicated team of native Japanese know how to take care of the job while keeping looks norms and customs in mind when conducting the business. Our hiring process is rigorous and we hire people who have at least 5 years (or more) of translation experience.

Japanese businesses are prevalent all over Asia; as a result, there is a high demand for professional Japanese translators. Our team includes specialist translators across various areas – from medicine to engineering, industry-related practices to marketing. We are a tight knit group of experienced translators, to bring you the very best Japanese translation to English services available. We know how important deadlines are, so we will always strive to deliver documents promptly without ever compromising on quality.

Our translation services are detail oriented. We take into account not only the culture and context but also the target audience and the purpose of the document. This allows us to delegate the task to the right translator. Knowing these small details is very important for any translation service provider because cultures differ in various ways and we don’t want you to lose the deal of a lifetime just because you didn’t use the right translator.

Our translation process is very meticulous and well thought out. We’ll first consult the client and assess what exactly is required. We’ll address any issues with the translation and recognition of character, outline the dedicated support we have in place, and ensure a thorough proofreading on every document we send out. With Elite Asia, you can be certain that you are getting the best possible Japanese translation service.


Korean language is one of the world’s oldest living languages. It is spoken by 72 million people living on the Korean peninsula (South Korea and North Korea both use Korean as their first language). Out of these 72 million, there are 2 million people in China speak Korean as their first language, another 2 million in the United States, 700,000 in Japan, and 500,000 in the Russian regions of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

Recognising the high demand for Korean Translation Services, Elite Asia has fine-tuned internal process to better serve our customers. We have a three-level process for our service of KOREAN TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH (AND VICE VERSA) which includes proofreading and editing phrase by our in-house Korean editor.

Here at Chris Translation, we have very strict processes for our KOREAN TRANSLATION SERVICES. This allows us to confidently manage the variety of projects that we receive, ranging from papers and agreements to birth or marriage certificates. Our Korean translators specialise in various industries and are adept at translations for business documents, brochures, medical texts, legal letters, patents and shipping documentation.

Our translators handle classified information of various organisations, hence, the confidentiality of the clients’ documents at each step of the translation process is of paramount concern to us. We believe in forging long-term working relationships with all our clients. That is why our translation services are highly discrete and confidential.

Every project is unique and our experienced Korean project managers are able to provide personalised services focused on the client’s translation needs. Each of our managers aims to deliver translated products that are accurate in both literal terms and in context while meeting deadlines. Chris Translation’s KOREAN TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH ( AND VICE VERSA) KOREAN TRANSLATION SERVICES division has honed their skills to the best standards of service delivery.


In terms of population, Thailand ranks at number 21 in the world. Its official name is ‘The Kingdom of Thailand’ and formally known as Siam, and Thai Language is the official spoken language. There are 60m people speak Thai, with more and more Thailand residents enrolling in university education and above every year, the language is gaining traction. As well as Thai, Thailand is home to a variety of other languages – dialects of Chinese, Laotian and Malay mainly.

As a rapidly growing player on the global market as both a manufacturer and professional service provider, a place in Thailand’s marketplace has become increasingly desirable. The geographical location of Thailand has a part to play in this, being close to the valuable allies, and it has become one of the most rapidly growing economies in Asia. All of this adds up to Thailand having a strong pull factor for international investment.

Chris Translation are a professional Thai translation to English (and vice versa) interpretation and translation agency. We hire only the very best translators, many of whom are native Thai speakers and university-educated linguists. We treat each and every project with the same care and attention to ensure we deliver a high quality translation that is as close to the original document as possible. Translation is not accurate unless it conveys the precise meaning and emotion of the original text; you cannot achieve this without a human translator, and ours are the best.

Here at Chris Translation, we take pride in our Thai translation services, that is not only professional but also highly efficient. Once all the details of the project are confirmed, our project executives then quickly pass on the documents for translation, and our translators will get right on the job. We know how important fast turnaround is for translation and interpretation, and we’ll work as hard and quickly as possible to deliver your translation to the highest possible standard.

To summarise the services we provide:

  • We deliver translations within a short timeframe, regardless of the scale of the project
  • Competitive prices and bulk deals
  • Honest and open conversation between us and our clients
  • Focus on quality over everything else

Whatever your project size, whether it’s a single page or an entire portfolio of content, we know that it’s all about quality over quantity anyway. Together we can translate and communicate messages that are powerful and effective, whatever the size of the piece, and extend your business’ reach internationally.


Vietnam is ranked number 15 in terms of population, and has around 97.3m inhabitants in 2019. Currently under a socialist government, more than 85% of the people living in Vietnam are native to the country. It is home to a huge variety of different languages, including Cham; Khmer; Mường, Tày, Nùng, Chinese and H’Mông. The official language of Vietnam, though, is Vietnamese, which uses Chinese symbols in its writing. As well as languages, Vietnam is home to numerous religions – primarily Buddhism, but also Confucianism, Taoism and Catholicism.

Notoriously difficult to learn due to its amalgamous nature which combines Chinese symbols with a unique way of pronunciation, Vietnamese is a challenge for English speakers. However, Vietnam is rapidly becoming not only a desirable travel destination, but also an attractive marketplace for business development. If you’re looking to grow your business within the booming Vietnamese economy, you need high quality Vietnamese translation services.

At Chris Translation, our team offer a premium English into Vietnamese (and vice versa) translation service that you can trust. We have headquarters in Singapore, where we have a loyal customer base and a reputation as a reliable and professional translation agency. Our team comprises of Vietnamese translation professionals and qualified linguists.

We strive towards precision and conciseness with each and every translation project we undertake. That’s why we hire only the very best native Vietnamese translators to help communicate your message to a Vietnamese audience. When arranging an English to Vietnamese (and vice versa) translation with Chris Translation, you will experience:

  • Quick delivery times, whatever your project size
  • Competitive pricing with no sneaky hidden fees
  • Honest and open business dealings
  • Work that is of the highest quality and closest attention to detail

Whatever your project size, we’re happy to take it on, as we know that a text length is not indicative of quality, and a great translation can do amazing things for your business.


India has the second largest population of any country, and it is the largest country with a democracy on the planet. Tamil is the official language of Indian, and is used every day by more than 65 million Indians. Within India and the surrounding Southern Asian area, there are twenty-six languages, of which Tamil is one, Tamil is also used across Sri Lanka and Singapore.

With a rapidly growing economy largely due to cheap labour costs and a booming industrial sector, India is becoming more and more attractive to overseas investors and traders. Now the 10th biggest economy on the planet, India shows no sign of slowing down, and English-speaking businesses have cottoned on to this.

Chris Translation are a trusted, professional translation agency. We deliver the very best English into Tamil (and vice versa) interpretation and translation services. Tamil is regarded as being highly complex and difficult, largely due to how old it is. We only hire the very best translators for the job – those who speak Tamil as a native language – so you can relax knowing our translations are intuitive, subtle and not simply a literal translation churned out by a computer.

Our professional translators are educated to a tertiary level in linguistics and related studies, so you can be sure you’re getting a service that goes above and beyond standard translation. Whether you want to translate a Tamil document into English, or you need English content translated into Tamil, we’ve got you covered.

We translate an enormous range of content types – from legal documents to menus, professional certificates to commercial brochures, ecommerce product descriptions to business proposals – whatever you need translated, we’ll ensure the job is done properly and swiftly. Boost your business with powerful translations of your existing campaigns, reach a global audience and generate more profit.

At Chris Translation, we pride ourselves in being able to deliver:

  • Rapid delivery on all projects, small or large
  • Competitive prices on everything with no sneaky fees
  • Honest and open business dealings
  • High quality work with consistent attention to detail

Whatever your project, we are on hand to make the translation quick, easy and effective. We know that when it comes to the communication of a message, length is inconsequential. We aim to deliver translations that are as powerful as the original document, and will give your organisation the boost it deserves.


Cambodia, or Kampuchea as it is also called, is located in SE Asia and is home to more than 16 m people. As well as native Cambodians, there are lots of Chinese and Vietnamese inhabitants. Cambodian is the official language spoken by around 13 m people, and it is used by minorities there too.

The country is still faced with the challenge of poverty, but Cambodia’s economy has been rapidly growing since the mid ‘90s, and its presence within the global economy is definitely being felt. In 2014, it was noted that, since 2007, poverty has dramatically dropped from 47.8% to 13.7%.

Chris Translation are dedicated to helping businesses and organisations like yours connect with audiences all around the world by providing localised content that communicates your message effectively. We offer expert translation services from English into Cambodian (and vice versa), enabling you to communicate and market yourself within a SE Asian environment.

Our team comprises of university-educated, fully qualified Cambodian to English translators – we’re strict about only hiring the very best people for the job, and have a rigorous application programme through which we only accept 30% of candidates. Premium, accurate translation services are an invaluable tool for businesses wanting to expand overseas, and we’ll be sure to bring you the best service possible, whatever your project.

At Chris Translation we guarantee:

    • Efficient turnaround, regardless of project scale
    • Competitive pricing with no sneaky hidden fees
    • Honest and open business dealings
    • Translation and interpretation of the highest quality

Whether you need a single page document translated from Cambodian to English, or a lengthy business proposal translated from English to Cambodian, we’ll approach each and every project with the same care and attention to detail ,to give your company the boost it deserves.