Patent Translation Service
Collaboration among translation staff with expertise in various technological fields encompasses cutting-edge multidisciplinary areas.

Hayden Christopher (CFO)
My role is to ensure that translations are logically accurate and that the correct notation is used.
I serve as an editor in patent translation, where my primary responsibility is to compare draft translations with the original text to verify their logical accuracy and ensure that correct notation is used. I specialize in electrical and mechanical engineering. My previous experience as a development engineer at a semiconductor manufacturer greatly enhances my current work. However, deep knowledge of a specific field alone is insufficient to fully understand the cutting-edge technology for which a client seeks patent protection.
For example, translating documents related to biological analytical instruments necessitates expertise not only in chemistry but also in computer programming and mechatronics.
Recently, the integration of these technological fields has advanced significantly. Consequently, it is becoming increasingly important for individual translators and editors to deepen their knowledge within their areas of expertise while also collaborating and combining their knowledge with others.
On the other hand, mastering expressions specific to patent documents is essential in patent translation. For instance, the term “member” often refers to a component of a framework, while “the art,” as used in patent contexts, corresponds to “this technological field” in standard documentation. A professional translator specializing in patents must be well-versed in these boilerplate expressions.
Moreover, patent documents associated with intense development competition between companies or legal proceedings require faster translation than other fields. Achieving high-quality translations with quick delivery is challenging unless we thoroughly understand the intended role of the target documents in applications or legal matters.
Expressions specific to patent documents

Researcher and Interpreter
Only experienced companies and skilled translators can provide reliable patent translation services. Our role may be behind the scenes, but we take pride in supporting the intellectual property rights of our corporate clients. This commitment makes our work both challenging and rewarding. We strive to gather the latest information on patent application trends and technologies, continuously seeking ways to enhance the value of our translation services.
On a global scale, publishing houses are increasingly in search of professional translation for their articles—whether daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly—that accurately conveys their messages in the appropriate form and style. The days of relying on translation software or rushed publishing translation services are gone; while these methods may be cheap and fast, they often lead to misinterpretations that undermine credibility and trust. Our exceptional publishing translation services eliminate these pitfalls completely.
A full translation of your magazine or newspaper, fueled by high hopes and expectations, is akin to taking massive action without a strategy—it can lead to burnout. To maximize your readership globally and attract more visitors to your publication, it’s essential to engage specialists who are not only adept at translating content into different languages but also well-versed in the terminologies specific to your niche, such as political news, healthcare publications, and medical journals.
At Chris Translation, we cover a wide range of topics and provide accurate, realistic expectations for your news report translations, journal translations, periodical translations, and more. We understand that, as business professionals, there are often cost-effective solutions that offer quick turnaround times through our Publishing and Media Translation services.