Translation Quality (Terminology Control) at Chris Translation
To enhance translation quality, we prioritize terminology control. Chris Translation Term Control System * Ensuring the accurate translation of technical terms for improved quality. Chris Translation services encompass a wide range of document formats and languages. To deliver precise and valuable translations across various fields, formats, and languages, it is crucial to translate technical terms systematically and correctly, regardless of the discipline. Recognizing the significance of terminology control, Chris Translation has developed efficient processes and innovative software designed to manage technical terms according to established guidelines. By implementing these processes and utilizing this software, we strive to further enhance translation quality and create extensive databases of technical terms to provide additional value to our clients.
Rule 1.
Utilize standard translations or the most widely accepted translations for newer terms within the relevant industry or field for technical terminology
Rule 2.
Employ the same consistent terminology throughout the document.

*This mechanism ensures that critical, frequently used, and technical terms are translated accurately and consistently, even when multiple translators are engaged.
Rule 3: Ensure the use of consistent terminology across related documents, a series of documents, or revised versions of the same document
Rule 4: Engage in communication with customers regarding terms that lack standard translations.
Rule 5: Implement IT-based processes and systems to adhere to these four rules instead of relying on manual methods.