Chris Translation Service
Our high-quality, scalable and secure translation services satisfy every language requirement.
Our extensive global network of expert in-house linguists, pre-qualified freelance translators and specialized providers ensures a consistent and streamlined process, delivering industry-leading quality for all your translation needs. As native speakers, our translators have the mastery of linguistic and cultural nuances to make your content sound like it was written in the target language – not just translated.
With our extensive pool of in-house linguists, freelance translators and specialized providers across 160 countries, we deliver subject-matter knowledge, customized solutions and unparalleled scalability.
Native speakers of the target languages, based in the top 30 global translation markets, ensure translated content will capture nuanced meanings and resonate with local audiences.
Consultation and linguistic, cultural and technology best practices across the entire process create efficiencies and improve accuracy.
In-house development of the industry’s leading technologies gives RWS unique insight into today’s requirements.
Our translation management, terminology management, translation workbench, quality assurance and machine translation technologies are integrated across all translation services, delivering maximum efficiency, agility and accuracy.
Our internal data warehouse provides key insights, such as predictions and opportunities to improve efficiency and processes over time. Further customized, client-specific technology is available as needed.
Our industry-leading quality management system governs all aspects of our work. Quality assurance is embedded across policies and procedures to ensure real-time monitoring and continuous improvement.
Our two-stage translation and review process, where an independent translator reviews the initial translation for accuracy and overall flow, is consistent with ISO 17100:2015.
Our pre-qualified professional linguists are native speakers of the target languages with an excellent command of the source languages, while also possessing superior writing skills and specialized training.
Whether your translation needs are predictable, sudden, consistent or sporadic, RWS can scale seamlessly.
From a comprehensive range of technology-enabled translation methods to our vast global network of native-speaking linguists with specialized knowledge, we offer the agility and expertise needed to enable quality at any scale.
Choosing the right translation process and model matters. Our in-country consultants can evaluate your current strategy and recommend optimizations to produce culturally appropriate content for all your markets.
Surpass your strategic goals with recommendations, implementation plans and training from experts on operational best practices and efficiencies. Monitor the pulse of your translation strategy with custom dashboards and reports to gain insights into how it’s performing and how it can be optimized.
System to translate a large volume of text in a short delivery time
As the pace of business has accelerated and product lifecycles have been shortened, translation companies are increasingly required to translate a large amount of information on a tight schedule. Because translation originally requires a good deal of manual work, there are limitations to translating a large volume of information in a short delivery time. We defined the entire in-house translation process from receiving an order from a customer to delivery as a supply chain system, and started reviewing the system to find how to translate a large volume of information in a short delivery time. To translate a large volume of information in a short delivery time, Chris Translation is working to streamline translation processes through system development, project management improvement, and accumulation of expertise as follows: |
To satisfy needs for quick delivery of large volume translation without compromising the quality, we must be able to secure a necessary and sufficient number of good translators when needed. Conventionally, it took coordinators or project managers considerable time to enlist translators, select and approach appropriate translators, and arrange assignments.
Chris Translation established the Resource Management Division, which responds quickly to needs on site and meets a request for securing translators in a timely fashion.
In addition, the Automatic Assignment Process, which is based on linkage between the Chris Translation Information System and the Internet and designed to promote smooth communications with registered translators, is under development to reduce the time required to secure translators.
Reduce or eliminate the time required to secure or select translators
Electronic files of original text help reduce lead times because they can be pre-processed, they can be transferred over networks, and translation support tools can be used with them.
Even if original text is only available in hardcopy, we can now create correct electronic files of the original text in minutes by incorporating text scanning, optical character recognition (OCR), and proofreading semi-automatically into business processes, provided that we obtain consent from the customer.
The time required to send or receive files to or from customers or time required to control file transfers or versions in in-house processes increases with increases in the number of files to be handled. The risk of mistakes in file transfers also increases with increases in the number of files.
Chris Translation is developing a semi-automatic file control process to control file sending and receiving in order to minimize the time required to send or receive files.
We employ pre-processing of terms to extract certain terms and embed translations for them. This process reduces time required to use the same, consistent technical terms, proper nouns, and terms of frequent occurrence and helps translators work efficiently.
We also developed a style check tool to check translations for breaches of style guides or specification rules in seconds. This tool is intended to reduce the time required to check or proofread translations in post-processing.
We make effective use of translation memory tools to find the same sentences or fuzzy matches in a single or two or more related document files in order to recycle translations. This dramatically reduces the time required for translation of repetitive documents.
Recycle repeated sentences at high speed